Stream Team Translate.

Stream Team Translate is a cost effective way of observing focus groups in any language, yes any language, not just one simultaneous translation but many*. Your German Focus group on Cars is being held in Frankfurt yet your project managers in Spain, Italy, England and Brazil want to watch but their grasp of German is not great as German is not their first language, rather than wait for the translated report or transcripts why not watch the event live and listen to the respondents in all those languages, yes, one focus group can have audio in: -
- German – The Original Language (or source language)
- Spanish
- Italian
- English
- Portuguese
You are probably asking how we get the 4 interpreters to the viewing facility. That is one of the key benefits of Stream Team Translate, you don't need to, your interpreter can be sat anywhere in the world and as long as they have a broadband connection, they can see the research and interpret it in real time, saving hundreds of (insert currency choice here because it doesn't matter where the research is taking place). They don't even need to be in the country the research is taking place, our system works seamlessly, you simply select which languages you want to have the research streamed in and we can do the rest.